Submit a solo mode
Solo Modes
Showing 41-60 of 276 items.
NameDesignAvailabilityTypeWin Conditionrelated game
Black SonataOfficialBase gameTrue soloBeat the gameBlack Sonata (2017)
Bloom TownOfficialDownloadTrue soloBeat an automaBloom Town (2019)
Bluewizards Co-op/Solo rulesFan-madeDownloadTrue soloBeat the gameDungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
Boss Battle ModeOfficialBase gameTrue soloBeat the gameBullet♥︎ (2021)
BotDreamy / BotSteamyFan-madeDownloadTrue soloBeat an automaClinic: Deluxe Edition (2019)
Box of TreatsOfficialExpansionTrue soloBeat an automaCat Lady (2017)
Buried BeneathOfficialBase gamePure soloBeat the gameBuried Beneath (2022)
CarcassonneOfficialDownloadMulti-handed soloBeat your own scoreCarcassonne (2000)
CardBoard Bear's Coimbra BotFan-madeDownloadTrue soloBeat an automaCoimbra (2018)
Carrier: The Southwest Pacific Campaign – 1942-1943OfficialBase gamePure soloBeat the gameCarrier: The Southwest Pacific Campaign – 1942-1943 (1990)
CascadiaOfficialBase gameTrue soloBeat the gameCascadia (2021)
CavernaOfficialBase gameTrue soloBeat your own scoreCaverna: The Cave Farmers (2013)
CDC solo variant (from In the Lab expansion)OfficialExpansionPure soloBeat the gamePandemic (2008)
ChampionsOfficialExpansionTrue soloBeat an automaFor Glory (2020)
Chronicles of AvelOfficialBase gameTrue soloBeat the gameChronicles of Avel (2021)
ChronobotOfficialDownloadTrue soloBeat an automaAnachrony (2017)
Chronobot 2.0OfficialExpansionTrue soloBeat an automaAnachrony (2017)
ChronossusOfficialExpansionTrue soloBeat an automaAnachrony (2017)
Clans of CaledoniaOfficialBase gameTrue soloBeat your own scoreClans of Caledonia (2017)
Codex SolitariusFan-madeDownloadTrue soloBeat the gameCodex Naturalis (2021)