Cascadia #Official
Win condition
Solo Cascadia plays very similar to multiplayer Cascadia. You start the game with 43 tiles (like in a two player game), a four tile display and the five scoring cards. The difference is that whenever you grab a pair from the display the rightmost pair will be removed from the game. The leftover two pairs of tiles and tokens will move to the right. You will add two new pairs to the display from the left. Removing the pair simulates a second player but you know exactly which pair will be removed. This is something you can take into account when choosing the pair you want.
When you are no longer able to add tiles to the display to make a complete set of four pairs the game will end and you will calculate your score. Scoring cards work the same way as in the multiplayer game. Having the largest area of a type of terrain works a little bit different though. In the multiplayer you get a bonus if you have the largest area. In the solo game you get two bonus points for each area that is bigger than seven. Every area smaller than seven only scores the area but doesn’t get the bonus points.
Besides the beat your own score solo variant there is also a sort of campaign or achievement track to spice up your gameplay. When you decide to undertake this you will start on a track and try to fulfill increasingly difficult challenges. Every scenario will add a new layer to the game.
--description taken from a review on BGG