CDC solo variant (from In the Lab expansion) #Official

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The solo game pits you, with a little help from the CDC, against all the diseases. It can be combined with other challenges, except the Bio-Terrorist challenge. The version was released with the "In the Lab" expansion and included a special card to represent the CDC, but otherwise require no special game pieces to play and can be adopted by downloading the rules book.

The game plays very much like regular pandemic using a single player-controlled pawn with the added mechanic that you also control a special CDC player that takes a single action between regular player turns. This action can be any of the following: a) move the player 1 space b) draw a card from the player deck c) share knowledge (if city match and at research station) d) discover cure e) change player role (if at research station)

Where the latter point refers to the fact that the CDC is given a hand of available role cards at the start, which the player can swap between

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This solo mode is for:
Pandemic (2008)
7.5 / 126.5K
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This game has another solo mode:
Pandemic #Official
Download Multi-handed solo Beat the game