Simpler Solo Variant #Fan-made

True solo
Beat your own score
Win condition

My rating

This is a simpler solo variant that does not involve dice and therefore is a bit more predictable and less fiddly. It creates some slight control over the card selection that is fun to leverage.

Gist: In a simple way, you will also be removing cards that will form your two "neighbors". This also helps cycle the cards and creates urgency in your selection of cards.

Goal: Play for your best score!

Setup: Set up the game as usual, but leave space on both sides of your tableau area for a column of "neighbor" cards. You will be first player.

Game Flow: Take your turn as usual, but before refilling the display, you will take and add cards to your two "neighbor columns": 1) from where the Messenger is, take the rightmost card and add it to your Left Neighbor Column, stacked such that the shields are visible; again from where the Messenger is, take the rightmost card and add it to your Right Neighbor Column, again stacked such that the shields are visible. When taking a card for a Neighbor, if the card has an ability that gives opponents a reward, give yourself this reward; also, if the card has a Messenger Icon, move the Messenger. Now slide the remaining cards in the display to the right and refill the display. Then take your next turn. Anytime your card has an ability that refers to a neighbor, you choose either the Left Neighbor Column or the Right Neighbor Column.

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This solo mode is for:
Castle Combo
Castle Combo (2024)
7.6 / 3.9K
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This game has another solo mode:
Simple Solo Variant #Fan-made
Download True solo Beat an automa