Simple Solo Variant #Fan-made

True solo
Beat an automa
Win condition

My rating

The solo mode tries to mimic a two-player game (but it could be easily scaled to play with more Automata). In addition to the game material, you'll need a D6. The rules are as follows:

  1. The human player does set-up as usual (i.e. 15 coins, 2 keys). The Automa does not start with any resources.
  2. The human player is always the starting player and plays their turn as normal.
  3. During the Automas turn, roll the die. Depending on the number rolled, the Automa takes a card and gets resources. The cards are enumerated left to right and top to bottom, so the upper left card is 1, upper middle 2, upper right 3, bottom left 4, bottom middle 5 and bottom right 6. The automa takes the card matching the rolled number. Moreover, it takes keys when it took a castle card or gold when it took a village card, both according to the rolled number. The pawn is moved if a messenger icon is present on the card the Automa took.

The Automa will score 1 points for every gold printed on its cards, 1 point for every gold it collected and either 1 point for every key (easy) or 2 points for every key (normal).

For hard mode, the automa gets to take a turn before the game starts (so it has 10 turns instead of 9) and scores as in the normal variant.

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This solo mode is for:
Castle Combo
Castle Combo (2024)
7.6 / 3.9K
BGG Rating
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This game has another solo mode:
Simpler Solo Variant #Fan-made
Download True solo Beat your own score