The Weavers #Official

True solo
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Torn by endless rivalry of species, each vying for their own supremacy, the galaxy is now in ruin. Once glorious factions are now either gone in the mist of time or shut in their homeworlds. There could not be worse time for invasion of mysterious Weavers.

Their Swarms are coming from another plane to enveil and reave whole star systems. Millions of small spacecrafts weave the network of uncanny glimmering constructions. Once their work is done, stars and planets vanish from our universe without a trace. Then Weavers Swarms move on and on, consuming whole clusters on their way.

Your only hope is to unite what species remain in the galaxy and banish Weavers before they can complete their sinister webbing.

The Weavers is an expansion allowing you to play Master of the Galaxy solo, including a deck of solo cards and rules.

This solo mode is for:
Master of the Galaxy
Master of the Galaxy (2018)
6.6 / 433
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