Master of the Galaxy
Master of the Galaxy (2018)
6.6 / 433
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The Galaxy is vast, rich and open to any species who discovers space flight... but nine Elder Races are expanding through space, ready to assimilate or exterminate anybody who stands in their way.

We are proud to announce Master of the Galaxy, a fast playing 4Х board game - eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate - using a unique and innovative blend of bag-building, card-drafting and tech-tree development mechanisms.

Drawing inspiration from classic science-fiction, movies, and computer games, Master of the Galaxy merges all these inspirations into a unique and colorful setting.

At the start of your conquest of the Galaxy, you have one star system, one Race card and a modest supply of resources. During the game, you will fill your bag with new resources that may lead you to victory depending on your chosen strategy. Moreover, you can use Progress and Political cards to help you to victory!

You choose which way you will dominate the Galaxy —

try to quickly spread your people all across the Galaxy,
develop your science to a level unreachable by your opponents,
embark on a methodical extermination of your rivals,

it is up to you to decide.

All means are good if you are the winner!

You can win this bag building game in different ways - by annihilating your opponents, by building 9 space bases, or by achieving dominance in diplomacy, economics, or science.

La galaxia es vasta, rica y abierta a cualquier especie que descubra el vuelo espacial. Nueve razas ancestrales se expanden a través del espacio, listas para asimilar o exterminar a cualquiera que se ponga en su camino.

Master of Galaxy es un juego del tipo 4X (eXplorar, eXpandir, eXplotar y eXterminar) que utiliza una combinación única e innovadora de mecanismos de juego de azar con bolsas, draft y árbol tecnológico. Inspirado en clásicos de la ciencia ficción, películas y juegos de ordenador, Master of the Galaxy fusiona todas sus musas en un entorno único y colorido.

Master of the Galaxy combina la gestión de recursos con el uso de cartas. Con la creación de una reserva de recursos que obtendremos de nuestra bolsa al azar, tendremos que decidir invertir en tecnología, desarrollo, ofensiva o en los planes secretos de nuestra raza.

Pueden jugar de 2 a 4 jugadores, con una media de 30 a 45 minutos por jugador.

This game has a solo mode.
The Weavers #Official
Expansion True solo Beat an automa