Automa by Ricardo Norton #Fan-made

True solo
Beat an automa
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This is a solo version for Stone Age, using an Automa, hence called Bot. It was created to resemble a 2 player game as much as possible. Although the Bot has no apparent strategy, he acts very similar to a human player.

The game is played as a 2 player game with the same rules and restrictions. The Bot however, will not take any resources or any food. Everything else, building tiles, civilization cards and tools, the Bot will gather. The Bot will also move on the farm track and score points.

The Bot will not pay for building tiles nor civilization cards. The Bot just takes them into his supply, along with the tools. Tools are used for endgame scoring, whilst the building tiles are scored immediately.

Civilization cards are used for immediate scoring and also for endgame scoring.

The Bot makes use of a grid pattern with 20 cards, that tells you where on the grid the Bot goes and where he is headed. The grid and the cards must be printed.

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This solo mode is for:
Stone Age
Stone Age (2008)
7.5 / 53K
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This game has 2 other solo modes:
Solo Variant #Official
Download True solo Beat the game
SoloPlay™ rules #Fan-made
Download True solo Beat your own score