9th Daughter #Fan-made

True solo
Beat an automa
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You are the ninth daughter of a ruling family during the ninth century. Your sisters and brothers are scattered throughout the continent building their own empires. You have inherited your dying parent's capital and must expand it for the next three generations.

Begin the game with 9 coins and 9 points to spend on any of the 4 tracks however you like, though you must begin the game with at least a value of one (1) on each track (income, military, culture, food). You must score more points than the Discard Pile Area by the game’s end, which represents the prestige of your collective siblings from afar. Colonies you don’t pillage/integrate and bonus tokens, markers, or gold medals you fail to earn all add to the A.I.’s score and Discard Area.

In this variant you do not use the five segment game board or wheel.

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This solo mode is for:
Hadara (2019)
7.4 / 7.5K
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This game has another solo mode:
Solo Variant #Official
Download True solo Beat an automa