Autometro #Fan-made

True solo
Beat an automa
Win condition

My rating

Autometro is comprised of a 12-card AI deck. On each AI turn, you will flip the top two cards of the AI deck and consult certain icons printed on the cards, to determine what action Autometro will take (Gather and Activate, or Build a Building), and where on the game map they will place their worker or building tile each turn.

Martin Gonzalvez designed Autometro according to the rules of an Automa:

  1. Autometro is an AI opponent who can win or lose, not just a "beat your own score".
  2. Autometro is not a full simulation of a human player, but interacts with the game while streamlining a lot of the details.
  3. Autometro's AI deck determines its actions and where it will place its pieces, so it does not require the human player to make any decisions on behalf of the AI.

How Autometro differs from a human player:

  1. Autometro does not collect resources (wood, stone, fish or wheat). Autometro collects only coins and VP.
  2. Autometro does not receive Objective cards.
  3. Autometro's workers only activate adjacent building tiles that provide VP or coins, not resources. Autometro ignores any resource requirements to activate a building tile.
  4. Autometro's workers will always attempt to activate any adjacent building tile that provides VP or coins, owned by the human player. Autometro will pay the human player 1 coin to activate the adjacent tile. If Autometro does not have enough coins, Autometro cannot activate the human player's building.
  5. Autometro ignores any resource requirements to purchase a building from the Market.
  6. Autometro's workers do not need to be fed at the end of each round, since they are not human.

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This solo mode is for:
Little Town
Little Town (2017)
7.2 / 4.3K
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