Emergency! Emergency! #Fan-made

True solo
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You have just opened the doors of your brand new clinic, starting modestly with a psychiatry unit, when emergency services personnel come barreling through your shiny entrance to confront you with a dire situation: a major accident nearby has led to various injured people, and some severely wounded!

You try to persuade the emergency services spokespeople that your clinic is not able to treat trauma, but they wave away your objections. They're sending the ambulances with the most seriously wounded to your clinic... Deal with them!

This solo challenge by Jeroen van der Valk requires:

  • The Extension module Ambulances
  • The Extension module ICU
  • a small opaque container

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This solo mode is for:
Clinic: Deluxe Edition
Clinic: Deluxe Edition (2019)
7.6 / 2.7K
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This game has 2 other solo modes:
Solo Variant #Official
Base game True solo Beat your own score
BotDreamy / BotSteamy #Fan-made
Download True solo Beat an automa