Solo Mode #Official

Base game
True solo
Beat your own score
Win condition

My rating

All of the other wizards are away on travels when suddenly a huge army of Monsters threatens to overrun Sorcerer City. Can you keep the Monsters at bay long enough until the other wizards return?

When playing Sorcerer City solitaire, you mostly follow the normal setup rules for 2 players but with a few exceptions.

In order to mimic the multiplayer game, you randomly pick two Mystery Player cards from each Year and put these ten cards face down below the five Influence Reward cards. When determining if you have the most Influence each round, reveal both Mystery Player cards for that round and compare your Influence total to both of those Influence amounts.

You’ll always add one monster tile to your deck each round, and you’ll take another five copies of that monster and place them on tiles in the market for future rounds. When you buy tiles in the second round on, you have to buy the monster perched atop the tile you’re purchasing, which adds something to the solo game that’s not present in the multiplayer game at all.

The game is lost immediately if every Market tile is covered by Monsters or if you have no valid place to place a Monster in the Market.

If you make it to the end of Year 5, you are ranked based on your final Prestige total.

This solo mode is for:
Sorcerer City
Sorcerer City (2020)
7.4 / 1.5K
BGG Rating
BGG Rank
BGG Weight