Automated Player #Official

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The Automated Player (or AP) uses an unused player’s components and focus bar, with the focus row essentially functioning as a highly simplified version of the code that operates the AI opponents in the Civilization video games, providing a series of instructions for how the AP functions.

On the AP’s turn, it will resolve the focus card in the “5” slot of its focus row and reset that card to the “1” slot. To assist with that, the AP has its own set of unique focus cards, designed specifically to remove decisions from the AP’s turn so that you won’t feel like you’re playing for the AP yourself.

As an opponent, the AP is predictable - you can always see what it will do on its next turn and any number of turns down the line. In spite of its predictability, or perhaps even because of it, the AP proves to be a compelling opponent because it presents the human player with a puzzle to solve, a puzzle that is not unlike playing against a human opponent.

For example, you might know that the AP is going to take that prime city space on its next turn, but you are still left with a decision about whether to settle that spot first, forcing the AP to settle elsewhere, or let them take the spot and upgrade your military focus card so you can take the newly-settled city by force - or any number of other choices!

The AP can also be used in games with up to three human players to provide an additional opponent against which you must compete.

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This solo mode is for:
Civilization: A New Dawn
Civilization: A New Dawn (2017)
7.3 / 7.1K
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