Paper Tales
Paper Tales (2017)
7.0 / 5.2K
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Experience two fantastical centuries of expansions and combat in Paper Tales. Remodel your assorted assembly of characters, units, and buildings in each period based on your developments and the age of your heroes. Write a new legend of the rightful ruler who brought unity to the rival kingdoms.

In more detail, Paper Tales is a simultaneous drafting card game. Each turn, players draft five units that they then recruit into their kingdom — assuming that they can pay. These choices determine the players ability to shine in battle, generate great income, construct dominant buildings, and earn legend points. There are only four hiring positions available during the four rounds of the play, but your units grow older with each turn until time takes them away.

Build a comprehensive strategy and adapt the shape of your realm according to opportunities and restrictions and you will make history!

This game has a solo mode.
Beyond the Gates #Official
Expansion True solo Beat an automa