Furtherance (2020)
7.6 / 20
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Furtherance is a card-driven engine-building and tactics game for 1-4 players.

Inspired by numerous real-time strategy games, Furtherance puts you in the throne of your very own fantasy kingdom, while simplifying the concept of a civilization game down to only 6 basic actions and straightforward, card-driven, tactical combat.

In Furtherance, you will use your workers to gain gold, acquire cards from a shared marketplace, and research to acquire private technology that only you can buy (while manipulating upcoming technology in the market).

Once a player's actions are selected, they may move and attack with their units. Units can be used to defend a player's castle, attack other players, or complete specific goals to earn victory points.

Victory points are acquired by accomplishing goals to better your kingdom. You can choose to take control of the center of board, prove you can keep your civilians safe during times of war, build immaculate parks, or even fulfill the quest for the Holy Grail, there are many strategies you can pursue to achieve victory.

Assymetric player powers make each play unique. Leader drafting happens at the beginning of the game, starting with the player who goes last and ending with the first player. There are 10 unique leaders including one that gives you extra turns throughout the game, one that lets you buy "blindly" off the top of a deck, and one that lets you increase the maximum health of your units.

Between the ever-changing market, the unique leaders, and the constant unit interactions, every game of Furtherance is different! And, with the streamlined action system and rules, it takes less than 15 minutes to learn and 30 minutes per player to play.

Furtherance can also be played in solo mode. In solo mode, the lone player must defend their castle from ever growing armies in an attempt to make their mark on history by acquiring enough victory points to win before they become overwhelmed with enemies.

This game has a solo mode.
Furtherance #Official
Base game True solo Beat the game